Complex Tort

Experience with complex issues – access to expert talent

Our attorneys are experienced in mass tort and toxic tort litigation, including toxic release, sick buildings, lead exposure claims and respiratory claims associated with mold exposure. Our attorneys have also handled product liability claims involving industrial machine manufacturers, transportation manufacturers, and chemical companies. We have also handled professional liability claims concerning contractors, co-op and condominium boards, physicians, dentists and other medical professionals.

We are regularly called upon to defend Labor Law/Construction Defect Matters, often involving catastrophic injuries or large damages. These cases can be particularly complex since, in addition to defending the represented party, these matters often require a detailed analysis of numerous contracts, drawings and insurance policies for indemnity purposes.

Our attorneys’ broad range of life and trial experience, and our firm’s access to qualified investigators and experts in industrial, scientific and medical fields, enables us to investigate and analyze complex factual and legal issues to design careful and creative defenses strategies, positioning each case for negotiated resolution or trial.